Your personal tax advisor

Tax advice

As tax advisors we serve as consultants in all tax-related matters. At your request, we will be happy to take care of your current bookkeeping needs along with your payroll accounting and prepare your annual accounts.

Our services

  • Tax planning in order to reduce your tax bill
  • Bookkeeping and payroll accounting
  • Advice in matters concerning labour law and social insurance
  • Notifications with health insurance funds
  • Preparation of annual accounts
  • Preparation of tax returns
  • Applications for tax-related matters
  • Acting as your agent in dealings with the tax authorities
  • Acting as your agent in dealings with the tax office and in tax court proceedings
  • Ongoing information about changes in tax law

Our customised advisory services

  • Planning of start-ups or changes in your company’s legal form
  • International tax advice
  • Start-up and management of private foundations
  • Consulting on inheritance and business succession issues
  • Advice on employee stock ownership
  • Business recovery advice
  • Implementation of internal audits
  • Advice on the choice of legal form
  • Tax planning and strategy development
  • Tax expert reports
  • Advice and training of bookkeeping staff
  • Advice related to computerised accounting
  • Support in financial negotiations
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